ERP Solution Experts: Our ERP market focus and vast ERP knowledge base allows us to understand and provide end-to-end solutions to the issues facing our clients today.

Experience with the Public Sector: We specialize in providing superior ERP professionals at a competitive price. Cache Consulting is proud to be qualified on several PWGSC procurement vehicles including PS-Online, TBIPS and THS.


We Value Honesty & Integrity: By treating our resources as partners rather than just names on a bid, we ensure that we have the best available resources in the industry. We take the time to ensure that we thoroughly understand our clients’ business needs and we also ensure that our subcontracted consultants’ needs are met as well. We believe balancing both expectations is integral to the delivery of a successful project.


Albeit, we are in the business of providing specialized ERP consultants, we first and foremost take the time to really understand our client’s needs, provide guidance relative to their project deliverables, outlining the skills that currently reside within their in-house staff, and recommending professional services that can help compliment their existing resource base. Being able to unravel the advancements in ERP technology plays a big factor on the decision our clients make when selecting a partnering organization to help support their ERP systems.


PLANNING an ERP Project?

We have the expertise to: Scope and Plan the implementation approach with your team members; Develop the implementation project plan; Define, design, configure and test your business processes; Customize processes and reports to meet your unique requirements; Develop comprehensive documentation and deliver the required training; Perform knowledge transfer and support to your team; and ensure a Successful "go live" and effective follow on production support.

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